Marți, 23 Aprilie 2024
  • For Sustainable World
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    Despre Noi

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    Consultanta in domeniul energetic

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    Reparatii de redresoare, convwertoare, invertoare de orice brand

  • Produse

    Sisteme de backup, Smart-Grid, Solutii Outdoor

A+ R A-



ABB i-bus® KNX is the synonym for smart home and intelligent building control. In this innovative system, all devices communicate with one another via a single bus cable which is installed alongside the normal power lines. This means that all electrical functions are connected with one another via the bus system, both in residential and commercial buildings.

The KNX standard

b_150_100_16777215_00_images_KNX_KNX_PARTNER_RGB.jpgABB i-bus® KNX is based on the simple, yet proven KNX technology which is accepted as the world’s first open standard for the control of all types of intelligent buildings - industrial, commercial or residential.




b_150_100_16777215_00_images_KNX_benefits_buildingtree_292x196.jpgWith the ABB i-bus® KNX system, the buildings we occupy are easier to manage and control, resulting in increased flexibility, security, economic efficiency and convenience. The operational flexibility of an ABB i-bus® KNX electrical installation allows the everyday working or living environment to be easily adapted to the individual’s needs - now and in the future.




b_150_100_16777215_00_images_KNX_applications_building_292x196.jpgThe ABB i-bus® KNX product range includes components covering the complete spectrum of applications found in today’s buildings, ranging from lighting and shutter control to heating, ventilation, security, energy management, and many more.


Our company designs, implements, commissions KNX projects for residential and commercial buildings. For further assistance please send inquiries to Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea. .